Welcome to Into the Word
Into The Word is a podcast and radio program reading and commenting through whole books of the Bible, chapter by chapter and verse by verse using the ESV translation. We typically release new material following the schedule of the RMM Bible Reading plan. Radio episodes are released on the Sunday afternoon following their air date on Life 100.3.
We began with a "soft launch" in January 2017 which went far better than we had expected. We intended to use all of 2017 to figure out the format and the platform such that by January of 2018 we could launch a potentially useful resource, but by the grace of God, people from all over the world began accessing the podcast and making it part of their daily devotional routine. The podcast continued to grow and as of this update has already had over 3,350,000 episode plays total with over 1.7 million in the first 10 months of 2022 alone - praise the Lord!
All of the podcasts are available through iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, SoundCloud and directly through the Gospel Coalition Canada website. The easiest way to manage the entire body of content is through the Into The Word app which you can find on iTunes or on Google Play. You can also access our entire catalogue of episodes right here on the Into The Word library and blog site.
As of October of 2024 we will have covered 563 chapters of the Bible, or roughly 47% of the total of 1189. We have also released a number of topical and excurses (going deeper into a particular issue) episodes inspired by the content of those chapters. In 2025 we anticipate releasing another roughly 60 chapter episodes – God willing.
We have a Facebook page that we use to build community and to post short encouragements and reflections that arise out of the readings. You can find that by entering “Into The Word” in the Facebook search bar. We will also post links there to all the new book series.
I receive a fair bit of correspondence from listeners either by email, or through the Facebook page and will do my best to respond, but I can’t guarantee that I will have the opportunity or the expertise to address all concerns. I do appreciate engaging though, so please continue to reach out.
Lastly, I’d love for you to pray for us. Pray for time management, help in the study and anointing behind the mic.
And may God alone be glorified.
Pastor Paul Carter
September 2024

About Paul Carter
Paul is the happy husband of Shauna Lee and father to 5 children. He is a self-described “Bible Geek” and has a passion for helping people build their lives on the solid rock of Jesus and His Word.
He is the Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Orillia. He sits on the Executive Counsel for The Gospel Coalition where he is a regular author and blogger and is the host and Bible teacher for the Into The Word podcast and radio program. Paul also serves on the Advisory Committee for The Reformed House of Studies at Wycliffe College.