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He Called Them Gods (to Whom the Word of God Came)

Studying Christ, submitting to Christ and rejoicing in Christ as he is revealed in Scripture, we become like Christ by one degree of glory to the next. This comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

5 Ways to Look Like A Christian during COVID19

As we enter into the new normal of COVID19 it may be helpful for us to begin to brainstorm about some of the ways that we could commend the Gospel of Jesus Christ through remarkable actions and behaviour. Toward that end, I offer the following 5…

Is It a Sin to Be Anxious during COVID-19?

Fretting about things as if God cannot handle them and as if God is not in control of them and as if God cannot be trusted to administer them wisely for the end of his own glory and our everlasting good is sin; momentary discomfort due to a dramatic…

What Does It Mean to Call God “My Rock”?

So what does it mean to call God my “Rock”?

The Case for Cautious Consumption

When people depend on you for guidance and justice you have a responsibility to put a guard around your sobriety and alertness. A leader cannot afford to be compromised. Part of the cost of leadership is constant vigilance and awareness.

What Is the Fear of The Lord? (And Who Should Do It?)

Is the fear of the Lord a good or a bad thing? The Bible appears to commend it in numerous places:

The Covidian Exile Of The Church

In a few days, Christians all around the world will begin celebrating Holy Week in a way that we haven’t done at any point before in our history. Large group gatherings will be impossible for most and illegal for many. Baptisms will be postponed – or…

4 Pastors Talk Communion in a COVID-19 World

These are uncharted waters and we are all sailing without a map. Now is not the time for an authoritative pronouncement from the keyboard warrior class. Now is not the time to judge and condemn our neighbours. Now is the time for study, reflection,…

The End of the Beginning (A Coronavirus Odyssey)

I think we’ve officially reached the end of the “easy part” of the coronavirus challenge. Difficult decisions will soon have to be made. Can we afford to continue with our current “total quarantine” approach? Can we afford not to?

COVID-19 Best Practices (Updated)

On Wednesday, March 11th 2020 the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus or COVID-19 to be a pandemic. This is uncharted territory for all of us. It is important that we respond wisely, courageously, compassionately and with faith. Toward…

Why Does Jesus Commend the Dishonest Manager?

The Parable Of The Dishonest Manager seems to show Jesus approving of dishonest and unethical business practices. But how can that possibly be?

Where Is God When It Hurts?

You have to know God the way Job did in order to trust him like that. When you can’t find God in your pain – you better know him enough to know that he sees you, he’s got you and he will never let you go.