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More Than a Resolution: Why I Desperately Need to Read Through the Bible In 2022

Every year around this time I write a blog encouraging people to read through the whole Bible in the coming year. I’ve been doing it since 2012 and I believe in the value of this discipline wholeheartedly. But this year feels different. It almost…

What Is a Human Being?

Human beings are creatures of enormous dignity and worth. They are embodied souls – of the earth and uniquely inspired by God (Gen. 2:7). They are more like God than anything else he has made.[1] In Genesis 1:26 the Creator says: “Let us make man in…

Empathize But Don’t Over Emphasize When It Comes To Race

I write this not as an anthropologist, a sociologist, a philosopher or a politician. I write this as a white father to a black teenage girl. My middle daughter came to our home when she was just 3 months old. Her biological mother made a difficult…

Was Job A Communist? (A Brief Clarification)

Apparently on Sunday I gave a few people the impression that Job may have been a closet communist. When I first heard of that confusion I laughed and assumed that the person had simply misheard me. When a second person raised the same question, it…

After Mars Hill And John Wayne: A Brief Reminder of What The Bible Actually Says About Marital Sexuality

Evangelicals over the last decade have done a poor job of sticking to the centre of the road with respect to marital sexuality. The abuses and excesses being detailed in exposés like “Jesus And John Wayne” and “The Rise And Fall Of Mars Hill” have…

How Ontario’s Vaccine Passport System Is Likely to Impact Churches

On September 22nd Ontario residents will have to show proof of vaccination in order to dine indoors, go to gyms, theatres, sporting events and conference centres. The release and associated press conference made clear that: “Essential retail, like…

Is the Church I’m Going To “A Cult”?

Over the last 6 months, I’ve had multiple people contact me asking if the church they are going to is “a cult”. The frequency of the inquiry is itself cause for interest and may be related to the increasingly tribal nature of the evangelical church…

10 Things You Should Know about the Great Apostasy

Jesus and the Apostles appear to have anticipated a great falling away just prior to his return and the full consummation of his Kingdom. Here are 10 things you should know about that Great Apostasy.

Every Careless Word You Speak

As someone who talks for a living, and who is talkative by nature, I find this verse extremely arresting: “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by…

A Case Study in Persecution (Lessons from 1 Peter)

The First Epistle of Peter was written in or around AD 63 to a group of Christians living in Pontus-Bithynia, an area in modern-day Turkey, just south of the Black Sea. These people were beginning to experience significant social and cultural…

What Is Heaven Like?

Every couple of years in our church, it seems we lose a young person to some tragic accident. When the young person is a believer there is hope and comfort, but still a whole host of questions that are difficult to answer. Death gets us thinking…

The Christian And The Law

There are few things more confusing to the average Christian than the question of how he or she should relate to the Old Testament Law. On the one hand, Jesus said: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come…