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Equal But Not The Same – Case Study In The Book of Numbers

This is a classic case of “right principle, wrong application”: They assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron and said to them, “You have gone too far! For all in the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is…

What If We Had 50 Years Before The Outbreak Of Formal Persecution In Canada?

Let’s build up such a store of good works and good will that the population itself would rise up in uniform protest should the government ever attempt to stamp out the church of Jesus Christ in this country. Let’s not be known as the people…

God Is Not Unreasonable

God is not “permissive”, but neither is he unreasonable. Reasonable exceptions to general rules are peppered all across the pages of Holy Scripture. In Numbers 9 verses 1-3 for example, we read: And the LORD spoke to Moses in the wilderness of…

Persecution, Birth Pang or Pruning? (How Should We Interpret This Pandemic?)

As more and more countries emerge from lockdown and things slowly but surely begin to open up, thinking Christians are starting to ask an entirely different set of questions: What in the world just happened? Why did we respond the way we did? Have we…

COVID Gleanings from Ecclesiastes 7

We hear things in times of trouble that we tend to ignore in times of ease. In that sense, COVID19 has been a blessing. I know that I’ve seen some things in my daily readings that had not previously been raised to my attention.

How Should a Christian View the Government?

Salvation cannot be achieved by government. Governments restrain, they do not redeem. Governments reward, they do not restore. For blessings of that magnitude we look to the cross and to the coming of the Christ.

Dear Pandemic Weary Sister

A young lady that used to attend our church wrote to me recently and very kindly asked if I could encourage her as she was feeling very low as a result of this pandemic. I wrote her back a brief pastoral letter which I am happy to share here in the…

Pastoring after This Pandemic

The last 12 months have been incredibly difficult for pastors – as they have been for many others – but the next 12 months of recovery, regathering, and rebuilding promise to be even more so. COVID19 blew through the evangelical church in North…

A Bridegroom of Blood

If the act of baptism represents our appeal in faith to God for justification and absolution through the work of Jesus Christ, then it is effective. Not because we say magic words, and not because we use magic water, but because the resurrection of…

Why I Am Not A Theonomist

It cannot be denied that theonomists are characterized by a sincere desire to honour Christ as Lord. Neither can it be denied that theonomists, as a group, tend to be very well prepared! But it can be argued, and it is often argued, that they have…

Will This Suffering Make Us Stronger?

Does great suffering result in great strength – moral, personal and spiritual? Does great pain produce great gain in terms of faith, wisdom and understanding?

How The Book Of Job Makes Us Better Friends And Better Christians

One of the reasons that the Book of Job is in the Bible; not the primary reason, but an important reason; is to explore the question of how we should relate to friends and loved ones who are hurting.