The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 appears to have been given to order to answer a very perplexing question: why do people respond to the Gospel in such radically different ways? Why do some people persevere and bear fruit, 30, 60 and 100 fold…
Resolutions come and go but habits define who we are and how we live our lives. A habit is something we build our routine around. A habit is a set block in our daily schedule. Like brushing your teeth, or walking to work, or reading the news on the…
What Is Sin? In the little Children’s Catechism that we use at our church the question is answered this way: “Sin is any lack of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God.” ‘Conformity’ is defined this way: “Not being or doing what God…
One of the most transformative things I ever did was read through the entire Book of Genesis – slowly – with the help of several commentaries back in 2003. I’d never done that before. I had read commentaries before for school and I had read through…
It matters whether you are in or out. It matters for you and it matters for the rest of us. No one wants to be one of those people who presumed themselves in when in fact they were out. Those people – despite their sincere protestations – will hear…
There are many factors to consider in any discussion of mental health but one of those factors has to do with the development of healthy habits. People can fall into patterns that may contribute to a decline in their physical or mental health. They…
The Bible is not a book about marriage – at least not mainly or directly. The Bible is a book about God and about people and how God saves people through the life and death of Jesus Christ. Even still, the Bible does have a lot to say about marriage…
It makes me very happy to know that the Book of Philemon is in the Bible. I’m glad that there is an entire book devoted to pursuing the freedom of a first century Roman slave. I’m glad that Paul tells the former slave owner to regard this man: “no…
20 years ago I was absolutely convinced that if I truly loved the Lord, truly loved my wife, spent quality and quantity time with my kids and consistently led family devotions around the dinner table all 5 of my children would eventually grow up to…
You’ve heard the line: “Evangelicals worship God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Bible”. The joke means to imply that some Christians are in danger of having too high a view of Holy Scripture; they are in danger of reading the Bible not as…
Hear this carefully: An act done in faith can be saving. Consider the example of Naaman in the Old Testament. He was told to DO something that he thought was ridiculous: “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and…
A few years ago I engaged in a good natured internet debate with my friend and colleague Paul Martin about the pros and cons of infant dedication. I was for it and he was against it. Amazingly, we remain friends. This is a low intensity…