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5 Habits of Spiritually Healthy (And Happy) People

There are many factors to consider in any discussion of mental health but one of those factors has to do with the development of healthy habits. People can fall into patterns that may contribute to a decline in their physical or mental health. They…

5 Surprising Things That the Bible Says about Marriage

The Bible is not a book about marriage – at least not mainly or directly. The Bible is a book about God and about people and how God saves people through the life and death of Jesus Christ. Even still, the Bible does have a lot to say about marriage…

Thankful for Philemon

It makes me very happy to know that the Book of Philemon is in the Bible. I’m glad that there is an entire book devoted to pursuing the freedom of a first century Roman slave. I’m glad that Paul tells the former slave owner to regard this man: “no…

What I Used to Believe about Parenting

20 years ago I was absolutely convinced that if I truly loved the Lord, truly loved my wife, spent quality and quantity time with my kids and consistently led family devotions around the dinner table all 5 of my children would eventually grow up to…

Do Some Evangelicals Worship the Bible?

You’ve heard the line: “Evangelicals worship God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Bible”.  The joke means to imply that some Christians are in danger of having too high a view of Holy Scripture; they are in danger of reading the Bible not as…

Saving Acts

Hear this carefully: An act done in faith can be saving. Consider the example of Naaman in the Old Testament. He was told to DO something that he thought was ridiculous: “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and…

The Pros And Cons of Practicing Baby Dedication

A few years ago I engaged in a good natured internet debate with my friend and colleague Paul Martin about the pros and cons of infant dedication. I was for it and he was against it. Amazingly, we remain friends. This is a low intensity…

Why Evangelists Probably Shouldn’t Pastor Local Churches

To be clear, I am incredibly thankful for the gifted evangelists that God has given to his church. My parents came to Christ as part of the Canadian Revival, led in large part by the twin evangelists, Ralph and Lou Sutera. So I am maximally thankful…

God Keeps His Promises (And Then Some!)

Sometimes there are two fulfillments for one promise. 1 Kings 8:17-20 provides a perfect example of this principle: “Now it was in the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. 18 But the LORD said to…

How Should Christians Engage the Current Conversation on Climate Change?

When it comes to the conversation around climate change Christians often find themselves caught between conflicting biblical principles. On the one hand, the Bible says: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matth…

I Am The True Vine (Old Testament Backstory)

A great deal of New Testament imagery assumes a knowledge of Old Testament narrative. In a sense, the New Testament is like a painting painted in colours lifted directly from Old Testament canvases and therefore you have to read the Old Testament –…

What Is Real Repentance?

It would be difficult to think of a word that is more central to our identity as Christians than the word “repentance”. According to Matthew it was the theme of the first sermon every preached by Jesus. Jesus was travelling around Galilee and saying:…