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God Is like an Evergreen Cypress

The message of Hosea is a hard one for us to wrap our heads around. God is saying that because of their long and stubborn persistence in sin, he is resolved to punish them severely – though not finally. He will undertake a drastic pruning – but not…

God Is like a Lion

The message of Hosea is a hard one for us to wrap our heads around. God is saying that because of their long and stubborn persistence in sin, he is resolved to punish them severely – though not finally. He will undertake a drastic pruning – but not…

God Is like a Moth

The message of Hosea is a hard one for us to wrap our heads around. God is saying that because of their long and stubborn persistence in sin, he is resolved to punish them severely – though not finally. He will undertake a drastic pruning – but not…

Rebuilding Our Christian Witness in a COVID19 World

This pandemic has been hard on the evangelical witness in North America. Some of that can be written off as simply the cost of compliance. We haven’t been as active or as visible in our communities as we would normally like to be, in the interests of…

A COVID Order for Communion

The material below was originally prepared as a teaching memo for my fellow pastors and elders here at Cornerstone; I share this resource with you only in the interests of collegiality and efficiency. May the Lord bless you, my brother pastors, as…

The Christian And the State

To be a Christian is to belong simultaneously to two different kingdoms. If you are a child of God through faith in Christ then you are a citizen of the here and coming Kingdom of God and you are subject to various lesser but legitimate human…

What the Bible Teaches about Divorce and Remarriage

There are few issues that require more pastoral sensitivity than the issue of divorce and remarriage. Getting it wrong one way can have massive consequences, particularly for women who feel trapped in abusive and unsafe relationships. Getting it…

Is It Ever Okay to Lie?

In a time before DNA tests and security cameras a concern for honesty on the witness stand made a great deal of sense, as indeed it does still today – but once we understand what this commandment is addressing it becomes clear that it doesn’t…

What Can We Learn from the Jerusalem Council?

The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 provides a fascinating window into the way in which disputes and doubtful matters were discussed and decided in the early church.

Making Sense of the Olivet Discourse

“The Olivet Discourse” in Matthew 24 might be the most difficult passage in the Gospel of Matthew to interpret correctly. Some of the difficulty stems from the fact that the disciples ask a question that is far more complex than they realize: “Tell…

What in the World Is Going on with the CBOQ?

In 2013 a fellow CBOQ Pastor and I began a renewal movement within our denomination seeking biblical reform. We were both alarmed by the rather rapid leftward drift within our association. We identified a root that we believed would lead to precisely…

3 Things Biblical Humility Is (And Isn’t)

Humility might be the most misunderstood of all the Christian virtues. It might also be the most important.